Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns

DOWNLOAD - Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns

In this groundbreaking book, Jones shows how some of the major determining leaders in modern thought and culture have rationalized their own immoral behavior and projected it onto a universal canvas. The main thesis of this book is that, in the intellectual life, there are only two ultimate alternatives: either the thinker conforms desire to truth or he conforms truth to desire.
In the last one hundred years, the western cultural elite embarked upon a project which entailed the reversal of the values of the intellectual life so that truth would be subjected to desire as the final criterion of intellectual value. In looking at recent biographies of such major moderns as Freud, Kinsey, Keynes, Margaret Mead, Picasso, and others, there is a remarkable similarity between their lives and thought. After becoming involved in sexual license early on, they invariably chose an ideology or art form which subordinated reality to the exigencies of their sexual misbehavior.

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 01 Introduction

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 02 Samoa Lost: Margaret Mead, Cultural Relativism, and the Guilty Imagination

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 03 Blue Lagoon Social Studies

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 04 Homosexual as Subversive: The Double Life of Sir Anthony Blunt

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 05 Stanley and Jane’s Excellent Adventure: Or, Why Politically Correct Professors Hate Western Civilization

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 06 The Case Against Kinsey

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 07 Liberal Guilt Cookies

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 08 Cubism as Sexual Loathing: The Case Against Picasso

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 09 - 10 - 11 Sigmund and Minna and Carl and Sabina: The Birth of Psychoanalysis Out of the Personal Lives of Its Founders

Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns Modernity as rationalized sexual misbehavior 12 Luther's Enduring Legacy - Download


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